Monday, November 4, 2019

Why do I do NANOWIRMO?


Another November has arrived. This means, another year of NANOWRIMO has begun. This is the 20th year, I believe.

For those who don’t know, NANOWRIMO (or more officially NaNoWriMo for those who want to take the time to type the acronym out correctly) stands for National Novel Writing Month. This is a month where writers are encouraged to write a novel (or a novella) of 50k or more words in 30 days.  The goal of NANOWRIMO is to encourage aspiring writers to produce a complete work, get in the habit of writing every day, and to give them a community of other like-minded individuals for encouragement and support.

I know there has been some controversy around this event. I’ve heard career writers say they do not participate because they are writing all the time anyway, so why would November be any different? I’ve also heard from new, self-published, or yet-aspiring authors that it has helped them produce content and/or get into a writing habit.  NANOWRIMO as a non-profit organization has set up various resources to help writers of all ages (including creating a teen/young writers track) and provides information and tools to help guide you through the whole novel creation process. And yet, they also partner with a lot of products, sell merchandise, and probably profit a bit from some of that.

While I have participated in 8 NANOWRIMOs, I haven’t really paid attention to the other events they hold. This post, specifically, will be about the rules for winning and why I do it. Let’s start with the rules.

1.       Writing starts at 12:00: a.m. on November 1 and ends 11:59:59 p.m. on November 30, local time.
2.       No one is allowed to start early and the challenge finishes exactly 30 days from that start point.
3.       Novels must reach a minimum of 50,000 words before the end of November in order to win. These words can either be a complete novel of 50,000 words or the first 50,000 words of a novel to be completed later.
4.       Planning and extensive notes are permitted, but no material written before the November 1 start date can go into the body of the novel.
5.       Participants' novels can be on any theme, genre of fiction, and language. Everything from fanfiction, which uses trademarked characters, to novels in poem format, and metafiction is allowed; according to the website's FAQ, "If you believe you're writing a novel, we believe you're writing a novel too."

This seems like a lot of work. Why on earth would anyone want to do it?!


Someone told me this year that a former participant of NANOWRIMO said that “it doesn’t matter what you write, as long as you win.” While I will be the first to say that the goal should not be to write just a bunch of garbage, hitting that 50k word finish line is exhilarating. During the first year of NANOWRIMO, the organizer actually asked to verify that participants actually met their word goal (7 of the 21 entrants actually finished by the way). Nowadays, the “winning” is more honor-based (yes, there’s a tracker, but you can lie to it).  However, the word count “win” is really just the visual representation of what you, the writer, is trying to accomplish.

Of the rules above, I have broken a number of them; whether it’s not starting a NEW project on day 1, or counting other writing projects done in November as part of my “word count”, or using the month for final editing etc. But for me, of the NANOs that I have participated in, I have won 7 of 8. Did I write my 50k words each time? More or less…but the main point was that I did what I told myself I’d do:
-          Finish the novel, even if that’s after November end
-          Edit the novel even though the “new words” I wrote fell under 50k…).
-          Write 50k+ words and get some of those unpleasant asshole scenes on paper (which is harder than it sounds)

The most important thing about NANOWRIMO for me is that I was able to use the combined energy of the event and the participants to motivate myself to *do the work*.  

Let’s break it down a little…

To successfully complete NANOWRIMO, unless you are a writing machine, you really need to write a little every day. Because the standard 1667 words/day is a lot easier than 10000 words each weekend day plus and extra 10k on the final day of the month. This “writing every day” thing, as I have heard from many professional authors, is the only way to really be successful as a writer. NANWRIMO is pushing that. For me, in doing NANOWRIMO, I’ve been successful at writing *mostly* every day. However, while I have proven to myself that I *can* do it, NANOWRIMO has also showed me that I don’t want to do it all the time.

You see, writing every day is tough already. It becomes infinitely tougher when you have a day job where you are on a computer every day. Or when, in your off time, you’d rather do anything other than sit on a computer more. Or when you crave social interaction after a day of burying yourself in headphones and music, emails and Word files.  Or when, you realize you’re in your mid-30s now and need to go to the gym occasionally or your clothes stop fitting. Or when you have a family or a partner or a pet that also needs attention.  Or when…

TLDR version: It’s hard.

It’s just as hard as getting to the gym every day. Yes you can do it, but you may be doing it at the expense of something else. Sometimes that expense is other hobbies like video games or sewing or fencing, but other times that expense is your partner, health, or sleep. This is a common struggle for a lot of us who have not yet made a career of writing, but who desperately want to. And until my partner can support me while I “work for money” 10-20 hours/week, this is going to be my reality. 

But back to NANOWRIMO. It definitely has helped me with some of these issues. It gives me social interaction, even if it is just writing near other people and saying, “Hey, how’s it going?”. It gives me a reason to get out of my house. It puts the fire and that little edge of competition under me which helps guilt me into keeping it up. It gives me solidarity with other writers, sharing frustrations and triumphs. It gives me inspiration, excitement and pride at being a writer.

It gives me an excuse. For one month, I CAN do it. I can make arrangements to write a crap-ton and (hopefully) finish a project. (Then I can use the next 11 months to refine and promote that project and work on other projects sporadically at my own pace…).

I know some people may turn their nose up at this approach and say that I am not a serious writer, but I will disagree. If I weren’t a serious writer, would I still be writing after 25 years? For a while, I allowed those naysayers to get the best of me. You will see that in my NANOWRIMO participation years: 2002, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2018, & 2019. Those big gaps were when I stopped believing in myself (most notably 2002-2008. I was in college and while I knew of NANOWRIMO groups getting together on campus, I tried to pretend that I didn’t care).  I stopped believing in myself because I did not have the resources and connections to convince me to keep it up. If I was not doing it “the serious way”, what business did I have even trying?

The last 3 NANOWRIMOS I’ve participated in have changed all that. I decided to seek out “write-ins” (where writers get together at a coffee shop or library and write together for a few hours). I joined writer communities, giving the NANO forums, Scribophile, CIPA (Colorado Independent Publishers Association), Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, Toastmasters and other online groups a try. I had mixed success sticking with these communities but what it did show me, was that there were a lot of people out there writing. Some were snobby, and some were encouraging. Some were driven toward publication and some were just doing it “for fun”. Some were like me. 

I didn’t find my current writer “group” specifically from NANO, but NANO has helped bring out all those writers that I already know (many of whom I didn’t know wrote!). The relationships I’ve built have carried on after NANOWRIMO was over. NANOWRIMO gave me access to a community that was already in my world and to a world that I had no idea how to break into otherwise. These groups, these individuals, encourage and push me to do better. They help me up when I am falling. Because of them I am still moving forward. Still making progress.  Because of them, I have been pushed to attend more conventions, writers’ groups, and writing workshops.  

So for me, whether I make the word count or not, it doesn’t matter. My participation in this event is one of the big ways I will work (sometimes slowly) toward my ultimate, grander, goal: to get published.

And to all of you writers, my advice for you is to definitely participate in NANOWRIMO. Even if you don’t think you’ll make the 50k. What is important, is for you to think about what you really want to do, set an achievable goal, and then run with it. Even if that goal is just to reconnect you with this love you’ve had for as long as you’ve owned pencils.

Here is my 2018 NANOWRIMO "winner" certificate. If I can do it, you can too!


Friday, November 1, 2019

On Beta Readers Who Are Your Friends – My Honest Thoughts

First of let me put in a disclaimer: as a writer and an aspiring author who dreams of getting published, I want you to read my book. And I want her to read my book. And him. And those five people over there.I want my friends, family, coworkers, and strangers to read my book.  I want you to read my book if you love sci-fi. I want you to read my book if you hate sci-fi. I want positive feedback. Negative feedback. Questions. Concerns. I write, not just for myself, but for you all…my audience.

That being said, one of the most disheartening things you can do to an unpublished writer is promise you’ll read their WIP and then never do it. It is crushing.

There. I said it.  

Recently, (and for most of my adult life) I have been struggling to get beta readers to actually read my finalized, author-edited manuscript and provide feedback. In April 2019, I put out a post on Facebook saying “Hey, I am looking for 3-5 beta readers who want to read my YA, near-future dystopian manuscript.” I made a point to note that I had a few specific questions and I only wanted interested people who would be able to deliver feedback by August.   I was blown away by the number of responses I got - all told, it was around 20 email addresses. So I thought, “Hell, why not?” And I sent them all the manuscript along with some questions that I wanted them to look for as they read.

To date (November 1, 2019) I have gotten ONE response, which includes all the “Thank you, I’m looking forward to reading it” emails (which, in all honesty, was 0). That one response was feedback and a request to meet and discuss it (yay!). However, think about this for a second. One response out of over 20. Frankly, that super sucks. (Later on, I did get one apology of life being crazy and the person not being able to get to it.  That’s fine. I understand stuff gets insane in life and some people will have life intervene. And yes, I also understand that I was not offering to pay people. Still though, I would expect more people to communicate…).

Here is why this 1 of 20 response thing sucks:

1.       Between April and August, I was sitting on my hands…waiting. I had stopped submitting Anamnesis to publishers. I had stopped looking for beta readers or editors.  I stopped trying to figure out how I’d pay a beta-reader. I essentially wasted a quarter year of potential progress waiting for people to come through on their word.
2.       Now, I had just given my novel out for free to a bunch of people. Maybe somewhere down the line, they’ll read it. But if I get published, would they buy it? This goes along the lines of asking an artist for free artwork. Or a physical therapist for free adjustments. Yes, some freebies are expected when you want to go into business for yourself, but if you want this to be a career or at least a profitable side-gig, you can’t be giving stuff away for free all the time.
3.       You offer to read it the novel because you want to get into my good graces…or my pants. I absolutely hate it when the following scenario occurs: Person A: “Oh you’re a writer?” Me: “Yeah I’m working on wrapping up a novel.” A: “OH! I’d love to read it sometime.” I mean, Person A doesn’t even know what I write or what my story is about. How can you, in good conscience, volunteer to read something you know nothing about? This type of enthusiasm is the carrot-dangling behavior that really crushes my spirit because the moment we break up or Person A gets busy with something else, all that promise goes out the window. And I am left, yet again, with no feedback, sitting on my hands, wondering what I’m going to do with the manuscript now.
4.       It causes me to think the worst and then descend into a spiral of self-doubt and loathing. Did my betas start my novel and find it just. That. Bad? So bad that they couldn’t get through it, but were too embarrassed to tell me? Was it offensive? Or awkward? How can it be improved? This has caused me to put a novel away for good before. And yet, I still don’t know if that novel was garbage or not…..

I’m sure right now some of you are thinking, “wow, she sounds so ungrateful to her friends. These people are volunteering their time and their energy to help.” Except they aren’t. They wrote words to me stating their intention, but that was it.* They provided me with hope, that was then let down. As writers, it’s already hard enough to get noticed. Your work falls into piles and piles of similar projects – filled with all the hope, fear, triumph and regret of their authors. When you submit something to a publisher or Agent, you’re lucky to get an auto-generated confirmation of receipt and better yet, a rejection. However, I don’t want to feel that same let down with friends.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong in my search for betas. Do need to pay them? Find strangers on websites (though this has never worked for me either)? Create an application process? Make them pay me? :P Join a writers’ group? What do other broke non-career authors do when they need a second set of eyes on their work?  

So…What did I do? I jumped in for one more try of 3 beta readers. One, I promised a bottle of scotch. One, I read his novella so now have guilting powers. And one read my first draft and knows I have no qualms hounding him until he completes it.  So we’ll see…

I will now conclude this post with a PSA: Please, please, please…don’t feel like you *have* to read my stuff if we’re friends. If it’s not your genre, or if you just don’t have time, that’s OK! I will still love you. However, if you do volunteer, make sure you can reasonably predict having the time and energy to follow through. And if you have questions, or problems, or can’t finish it, please…just let me know! Don’t make me turn a post about beta-readers into a post about communication…

(And for those who have helped me out in the past and who are currently putting in effort for me, I am grateful [and hopeful] for the feedback you will deliver).


Image result for book

Thursday, June 27, 2019

On Chivalry & Toxic Masculinity (A Letter) - The Saga of Lyndsie - Part 28

Have you ever been with someone who you wanted so desperately just to hear you? To understand you? To step outside of their own little world for just 15 seconds and see inside your head? And feel what you feel? Me too.

Sometimes these feelings make people break. Release the bonds on their inner tigers. Lash out. Yell. Scream. Othertimes, these feelings make people leave. Drop the offender like a heavy backpack after a long day even though it hurts more than you rationally know it should. That hurt, then sits, dull and heavy and hot in the bottom of your heart - the top of your belly. It lingers in the back of your mind and you just cant let it got. You know that if they could at least understand you, your hurt would go away. You know that the relationship probably can never resume because once broken, trust never fully mends. Yet, if you could say just that *one. last. thing* and have it be heard, you would be okay. 

Most of us do not ever say those things to our ex-partners. Some of us out of fear. Some out of nervousness. Some knowing it'll never help anyway. Some out of a desire to never revisit the situation. Yet those thoughts linger on for months, even years. That is why I wrote the below letter. I am tired of carrying the burden of that one. last. thing. It is not my damage, but theirs. I should not have to shepherd it. Thus, I wrote it here. I may never send this to the person, in my case because he probably wouldn't listen anyway (and explode with offense and tout to the sky that he did nothing wrong). But if it were nothing, why are there 3 pages of words below?


Since you were my friend and I did like you, I am going give you my honest thoughts in the page below. You can take it however you will, be offended by them or use them to rise even higher to become a better you. I apologize if some if this is said in anger. I trusted you and you betrayed my trust. I do not know if I can be friends with you for, definitely not for a while. But maybe someday.

You enticed me with your enthusiasm and your ideals of chivalry and courtesy. You treated me well at first. However, when I began to know you deeper it seemed that some of your past still lingers.
You talk about chivalry and the ideals behind it, but you are only scratching the surface. In regards to the general populace, you are a very good friend. You are there for your people, and always willing to help or support. I wish I could have kept you on that level without getting closer. I am not saying that this you is not the real you, but I am saying that there is more beneath this that you need to work on.
You talk to talk of protecting your partner’s dignity against men who would insult their honor. 

However, you did not protect me from this when it came to you. Your defensiveness created a cloud around understanding and prevented you from rationally looking at an issue. Your stubbornness in your beliefs is not an asset because it obscures clear understanding. When called a behavior manipulative, I did not call you manipulative. You are NOT defined by your behaviors or beliefs. These things can be wrong and they can change. This does not mean that YOU are changing.

And to my disappointment some of your behaviors are manipulative. They are an attempt to control the narrative of a situation rather than actually addressing the issue at hand. Dramatically “pulling back” from a discussion or argument does not solve the problem. Victim blaming: “Everything I say these days upsets you” takes all of the responsibility off of your actions and puts it on my “decision” to have emotions. If every, single, thing you say upsets someone, then that is probably on you. Try being more sensitive to others’ emotions and you will begin to learn what sets them off. No two people are going to accept the same behavior.

You claimed to know chivalry yet you sexualized me almost every day. I’ll let you in on a little secret, women do not want to hear how much a guy wants their body every time they talk. My appearance is the least interesting thing about me and something I only marginally have control over. Telling me I am beautiful all the time only insults my deeper qualities which are the ones I actually work hard at. It’s easy to posture and beat your chest at other guys who get “sleezy” like this, but it’s OK for you to do it because we have a sexual relationship? No.

There were still times where I felt like a possession or a conquest. “Am I just delivering you to this guy for a booty call?” No, you were giving me a ride to a friend's because you'd offered it. Since we were open so you had no agency in whether I hooked up with him, him & his wife or did nothing.  Women are not “yours”. That is why I am so against the terms “my girl” and “my girlfriend” or any other nickname that is diminutive and implies possession or being “lesser”.

And lastly, you still act as if it’s all about you. Even the negative stuff. It’s not. Not everything is a personal attack and you are not entitled to get something just because you want it. Even when we stopped seeing each other, you still inserted yourself into my life and took things away from me. For instance, when you decided to come up here for an event, you had our friend change his plans because of you. You didn’t think that there were 3 other people involved with those plans that you just affected. Again. you tried to control our story, but this time you got our friends involved as well. That was the last straw, for me. A true friend would put his personal shit aside and not make others cater to it.

We definitely had some fun times and I am happy for the adventures you took me on. If you continue to be mindful of the present and of those around you, and do some more self-searching, you will do fine.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Living in Fear vs. Living for Happiness - The Saga of Lyndsie - Part 27

A man has weakness, he's flawed
that flaw leads him to guilt
the guilt leads him to shame
the shame he compensates with pride & vanity
and when pride fails, despair takes over
and they all lead to his destruction
which will become his fate.

Today, I had a conversation with a friend over life choices (or the lack thereof). It will probably not come a surprise to most of you that life is a difficult thing to navigate through. Adulting is hard. We have to make choices that are going to be good for us - for our livelihood and our physical, mental, and emotional health. Sometimes, these choices only satisfy one or two of the above.
For instance, going on a vacation may be something you want to do, which will lead you to destress and be happy. However, that vacation will put you out of a good chunk of your money and the time you need to work to make more money. While we all want to go on vacations, we know that we also need to work. Thus, we have to choose how many and what type of vacations we can take. 

Some of people never travel or take vacations because they are too afraid to be in debt and not have a job. This fear leads them to inactivity, working day in and day out, without much break. And then that work, unless it's your dream job, slowly wears your spirit down until you get into a rut that you cannot break out of. Or, you lose your mind and bust out of the prison, with guns blazing, into the world - quitting your job, selling all your things, and living in an RV in the middle of the forest. 

While this is a bit of an exaggeration, sadly, the reality is that most of us are living in fear. We live in fear of failure, or to be seen by the masses as a failure. However, because this fear leads us to inactivity, we are making our fears a reality which leads to our fate...we become the failures that we are so terrified to be.

Breaking out of this fear-laden mentality requires risk.  

Without risk, we cannot reap reward. 

Many times this risk puts us initially in an uncomfortable situation which at first, feels bad. It makes us question how we could have possibly thought this stupid idea was good. If, however, we are able to push through those bad feelings, we open ourselves up to new possibilities. Granted, this opening up is not easy. It makes one feel vulnerable, you could as easily get hurt as you could succeed. 

And many times, you will get hurt. Initial hurts feel like the world is ripping out your soul and stomping it into the ground. They feel as if they are never going to get any better and you are going to spend your entire life in hurt. However, hurts fade. And with every time you're hurt, you learn a lesson.

Some will take these lessons and throw them away, allowing themselves to get bitter and continually repeat the hurt. However, a wise person will learn from these lessons and to recognize the hurt when it comes around again. Once they understand that the feeling is only temporary, it will recede. Thus, knowing this, you will worry less about getting hurt and focus more on the benefits you will receive. I believe this is the beginning of true optimism.

Optimism: This is a quality that is attributed to me so much so that even my coworkers recognize it (I've been unofficially dubbed "Optimist Prime" ala Transformers).  Being optimistic does not mean that I never get sad and worried (trust me, I worry all the time), but it does mean that I am willing to take more risks because I see the positive outcome of every risk, rather than the negative. It took me a long time to get to this truly optimistic point of view, but the first big step of that was learning to work with my fear.

Fear will never truly go away, it is constantly going to be there. Even for those who think they've mastered optimism, it is possible to retreat back into fear during the darkest and most anxiety-ridden times. But the more you learn to cope with that fear of losing, fear of being seen as less than perfect, or fear of being alone, the quicker you will be able to get over it and continue on the forward motion  of your life. 

So, ultimately, I think the first step is to identify what you want. Be honest with yourself and dig deep into your psyche to figure out what single thing would make you the happiest. Then you should assess whether or not you are achieving that thing (I'm going to guess that for most of us the answer is "no"). This is the point where you begin figuring out what kinds of risks, what kinds of uncomfortable tasks, you will need to do to help you achieve that happiness. 

When I was at the lowest point of my life, immediately after leaving the husband who abused me both emotionally and physically, questioning that I had done the right thing, I came across the below article: 

This article asks you the question: Are you living according to what you want, or what you don't want?  It was the first time that someone (albeit an author on the Internet) had confronted me to point me to the harsh reality of the situation. I had been living my life the way I had because it was comfortable, understandable, known. However, just be cause something is familiar and you understand it, does not mean that it is good for your mental or emotional health. 

In fact, it's probably the opposite. Your brain, or your ego, is so used to feeling abused that it just goes along for the ride. It would rather have things be "easy" even if they hurt, than hard with potential happiness.

I would highly recommend checking out this article if you are at a point in your life where you are question whether your current path is still good for your or if you need to make some changes, however small, that may be uncomfortable yet productive.

And everyone can do this. Trust me. I believe in you! 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Fad Diets - The Saga of Lyndsie - Part 26

I’d like to take this time to talk a little bit about “fad diets” or in other words, “Why other people’s eating habits offend you”.

I had never considered myself a “dieter”. I love food. I love eating. I love trying new things, especially “weird” things.  Now, I can’t say that I enjoy all food because I have definitely tried some stuff that just tastes wrong (like natto). However, overall, I would definitely say that I’m an eater. That is why it took me a long time to finally admit to myself that I may have sensitivities to food or, at the very least, that some foods make me feel worse than others. The main offender food – whether insensitivity or no – is a food that has recently been cited as “the root of all dietary problems”.  However I thought, that while cutting this food out may help me feel better, it would also hopefully have the side effect of helping me lose weight. And, when I had decided to limit this food, I knew that I was going to be lumped into the “fad diet” crowd. 

A crowd that I will admit, used to draw scoffs and subdued eye-rolls from myself as well.

Originally, I entertained the idea of going on the Whole 30 diet or the Keto diet, but when I proposed those ideas to the manfriend he was like “no way in hell.” This would mean that I would be cooking all my own food while I watched him eat his “bachelor diet” of mac’and’cheese, hot dogs, cereal, & chips and salsa. All the while secretly hating him for 1. Not having to deal with (or admit to) the fact that food makes him sick. And 2. Not having a negative body image about himself. Thus, my next thought was, “what can I eliminate that will still allow James and I to eat the same food at home.”

So I went there, I decided to cut gluten. Or at least, the most obvious sources of gluten in my life: pasta, bread products, & pizza. Now, if we make hamburgers, manfriend can have a sandwich while I just eat the meat and toppings. It works mostly OK. Every now and then I plan to cheat or eat something with just a little gluten, but overall I wanted to see if I would feel better: happier, more energetic, & with less gastrointestinal issues.

The week I decided to really focus on this, one of our regional directors was visiting from Montreal and offered to buy us all pizza for lunch. When I thanked him and apologized that I wouldn’t be able to partake in this, one of my coworkers proceeded to lecture me about why the gluten-free diet was a fad.

She went on to explain to me that I will always crave stuff like pizza because I grew up on it and I’m used to it.
And that gluten wasn’t my problem, but eating meat was.
And how I needed those carbs because I work on a computer and carbs fuel brainpower. This she based on a study from two doctors showed that carbs prevent diabetes more than fat did.
Oh and that if I wanted to lose weight, I needed to count calories rather than cut gluten.
That I should just eat more vegetables in general.
And that sugar is also a problem, including fruit, so I should stop that too.
Oh and why haven’t I gone to the doctor to get tested (note: I have an appointment but it’s not even just that. I could not biologically have a sensitivity but can still feel bloated/depressed from eating 3 slices of pizza.)

Pretty much she gave me the impression that my choices deeply offended her and that I was completely stupid.

But you know what? After having spent a lot of time around people who are “gluten-free by choice”, have celiacs, have allergies, are vegetarians by choice, are vegetarians w/o a choice…etc. I realized something…

It’s really none of my business what these people want to eat unless I make it my business.

Most of the people I know who have these preferences/requirements, are generally very flexible and do not expect you to accommodate them. But there are time when I do want to accommodate them. For instance, in regards to SCA camping & meal plans, I have invited people w/ limited diets to participate. This is because I want the company of people and certain food issues, including gluten-free, are easy enough to work around. (Now, if you have too many food allergies, you’re probably on your own b/c I don’t want to accidentally kill you).

So, here is my question: Why is food seen as such a personal issue? This is one of the things that really irks me.
Why do people feel the need to press you into eating the donuts/cookies/bagels they made/bought for the office? 
Why do you have to make me feel guilty for not eating those things?
And, why do they think they know better than you what your diet should be?

For me, feeding people is a joy. As an Italian, I express love through food. Food brings community. I will admit, if someone turned something I made down, I would assume that they didn’t like it and feel a little bummed. However, I would feel a lot worse if someone ate something I made/offered and then got sick from it.  That is kind of the opposite of building community.

One could argue that people worry about the dieter. And yeah, some fad diets are probably not good for you, but we are all adults and thus, we don’t really need other adults telling us what we should/shouldn’t eat. If you are really concerned for someone and their “diet” choice, maybe you should just ask them questions to ensure that they’ve done the necessary research. It’s kind of crummy to get all up in arms about someone doing/eating something that don’t or won’t do. Make sure you think about how hard this may be for them already.

During that meeting, the one where the director bought pizza, I was literally trapped in a room full of pizza-enjoyers, stuck with the shittiest salad in all of creation: lettuce, shredded cheddar, tomatoes, banana peppers & onions. I know he tried to support my choice but honestly, if one person had given me shit for not eating the delicious-smelling pizza, I probably would have just started bawling.  I <3 o:p="" pizza.="">

So, the next time you want to judge someone’s diet choices, please be sensitive. They may be jumping on the bandwagon, or they may be trying to be healthier but either way, they are making sacrifices that they may not exactly want to make. Unless they are asking for advice, or asking you to cook for them, it really shouldn’t affect you what they choose to or not to eat.

For me, personally, the plan is to cut out ­gluten-y things and replace it with more vegetables and whole grains of other types. I may not look it, but I am nearing my mid-30s and have realized that my body doesn’t play as nice as it used to. I am not as active as I was in my 20s because I’m not hiking across campus all day long with a 30lb backpack. I am also more financially comfortable and YET more responsible. This means that I can afford to eat out more often, but also that I have a lot more bills as well. Eating out is terrible for the wallet and definitely gives you more options for temptation (fried everything, pizza, mac & cheese at every restaurant).

What I want to do is build a habit of healthier eating rather than just dieting to lose weight. I want to do this for manfriend as well because he’s also in his mid-30s (though he refused to admit it) and it couldn’t hurt but also because it’s easier to eat together if we eat the same food. I’m hoping the main effect of this is that I will feel better: less-bloated, less upset stomachs, less lethargic, less depressed. If I lose weight also – yay! If we get used to eating ½ plate of veggies (yes, that’s 2-3 “servings” in 1 meal), then all the more successful it’ll be!

That being said, I would appreciate support for my endeavor. And, if I break down and have a piece of pizza or a cookie now and then, please don’t judge me. We’re all human, afterall.

 Image result for vegetables

Friday, April 6, 2018

Adrenaline & Endorphins - The Saga of Lyndsie - Part 25

At this point in my life, every time I get to the gym, it feels like an accomplishment. Every morning I get to the gym, it feels like a great accomplishment.

Sure, sleeping is nice. Laying in bed lazily on a relaxing Sunday morning is amazing. However, stubbornly trying to get in those last 5 or 15 or 30 minutes of alarm interrupted sleep on a dark, weekday morning is just… Painful. Conversely, getting up immediately when the alarm rings and your eyes and legs don’t want to work, is almost as bad.

If you knew me at all, you’d know that I am not a morning person. AT ALL. So the fact that I’ve been working to make a routine of snoozing for 15 minutes or less Is probably about as hard a job as landing a man on the moon. But dammit, I need to start  getting up to be productive. Some days, that might mean getting into work early. Other days, it should mean being able to go to the gym. Right!?

Well I e been trying. This has happened in the last month less that I would have liked. Ideally, I would like to have one day a week where I get up early and go. (I know, that more than one day is probably better, and 3 to 4 days is ideal). However, good freaking luck with that one LOL! One day, maybe at least make it a habit I hope…

I mean, when I do make it to the gym in the morning everything else feels amazing. My body, while tired, feels energized. My mind seems to work with more clarity and my mood definitely increases. You would think these benefits would be enough to get me going every day. Unfortunately, not Quite yet.

However, mornings when I’m stumbling awake is really the best free time I have for the gym. After work, I’m always running errands and trying to do something like hang out with my boyfriend. And honestly, there really aren’t enough hours in the evening to do all the things that I want to do. Again, you would think all of these reasons would be easy motivation to get to the gym in the morning. It’s not like I need sleep anyway… Unfortunately, that’s still not enough.

Ugh... how do I work up my resolve to just get my lazy ass out of bed and get gym ready? Telling myself to do so seems to be the only thing that works and only works about half the time. Maybe I need to be hypnotized… LOL.

So this is the other thing I'm trying to do...capture this amazing post gym feeling. The heightened senses, quick thinking, positive mood and energized feeling. If I could bottle that up so I could revisit it in the wee hours of the morning, I'm sure that would help. As I can't do that, then maybe, re-reading this post occasionally will convince me that it’s totally worth it.

So, dear Lyndsie, future Lyndsie, if you’re reading this… Get yo ass up! Do something good for your body and mind.
Love, past Lyndsie 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Welcome to Anamnesis (a.k.a. the title change) - Anamnesis The Novel

What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.

- Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

As some of you may already know, I have had to make a minor (monumental) change to my completed cyberpunk novel, "Insignia". I had to change the name.

Back in 2012 when I had started writing this novel, I searched the name to make sure there wasn't a similar novel with the same one. At that point in time, there was not. However, the problem with sitting on a novel for six years means that the world of literature changes and someone steals your title....Yes, I'm looking at you, S.J. Kincaid. (Ok, ok, I also bought your book).

Insignia by S.J. Kincaid was released as the 1st in a series, in 2013. Nice going Lyndsie, way to get on that. :-\

Needless to say, not to be overshadowed by an already prolific author, I needed to find a new title. It's sad, too, because Insignia is very pertinent to my book, easy to say, and most people can figure it out. I wanted to stick to the one-word title because it captured the feel of my story - the spartan, dark world. Unfortunately, all the other more common key words just didn't have as much oomph as "Insignia". Or they were taken.

Timeseer (already a book with that name anyway)
Savant (already a book here too)

And then there were multi-word titles that I debated on though they seemed to be a stretch:

The Memory Code
The Mech Wars (I didn't even bother looking this one up because I'm sure there's already something out there)
Being Human
Bright Star

Finally, I turned to synonyms of the two words I like the most: Insignia & Memory. I didn't find anything good for insignia except "colophon"which is a bookmakers symbol. Specifically,

a statement at the end of a book, typically with a printer's emblem, giving information about its authorship and printing.

However, there are a lot of great words for "Memory": Remembrance, Flashback, Reminiscence, Retrospection, Cognizance, Mindfulness, Anamnesis....

That's when I fell upon that last one and said to myself, "That seems like sci-fi." When I looked it up, it hit home even further:

Anamnesis [an-am-nee-sis] (n): the recollection of the Ideas, which the soul had known in a previous existence, especially by means of reasoning.
- Platonism 

Honestly, there's no more perfect title for this novel. 

So now I just need to get it published before someone else steals it.....